Tarpon Strike for the win - 18/04/2012

Greetings Anglers Blog Reader,

Today all the way from Seria to Miri, Our PSB team are still active on the hunt for Monster Fish and Some of us got hook up some Tarpons as well.

As for my Side, Went casting with my Friend Miguel to our Regular Spot (Lubuk Buli & Sg Bera). During that time, i didn't knew that Sg Bera Spot was busy with Construction project. By the time we reach there, our Spot has been buried under tons of Sand.. Well seen that we already arrive at that spot why not just continue casting along the way.

This morning, Many fish frenzy were spotted along Sg Bera and only can cover some of the distance and i manage to hook up one Tarpon and few miss hook for Miguel. Hope next time, every morning We have this kind of Fish frenzy and we wont go home empty handed.

Early Morning cast with my Friend Miguel at Sg Bera where constuction stuff is currently in progess.. (Check out that height, Around 2-3 meter tall of Sand)

After long hours cast finally a Tarpon hook up..

Our PSB Miri Caster Kent and Agos also showing their Fly Casting Skill and look what they caught?

PSB Kent give an up close shot his Fly Casting Tarpon catch..

PSB Agos also showing his Fly Casting Trophy.. felt the poison??